Summer Reading Program 2024
June 1- July 27
Important Dates:

- May 6: Registration begins
- June 1-July 27: Activities and Events
- July 19: Last day to turn in completed reading logs
- July 19: Last day to pick up small prizes
- July 27: Summer Reading Program Party @ 1:00 PM in Penny Park. Foam Party with Ann Lincoln! Grand prize pickups.
- August 10: Last day to pick up grand prizes
Reading Logs
Complete a Summer 2024 reading log and win prizes! The last day to turn in a log will be July 19!
Registration starts May 6th, and you can register through the summer. Open to children, teens and adults! Children need not be present to register.
The reading logs for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers have doves on them: Log_Ages0-5_Summer24.pdf
The reading logs for kids ages 6-12 have tents on them: Log_Ages6-12_Summer23.pdf
Teens receive a Bingo card where one can fill up to five lines to win prizes! Complete the tasks in the squares to complete a line. Submit at least 2 lines or a blackout to gain entry into the grand prize drawing! Come to two additional events and get your sixth prize. Download a bingo card here (you’ll still have to register to get prizes): teen-bingo-2024.pdf
Activities calendar: June July calendar 2024.pdf
We will have a bunch of performers this year. Meet Smokey the Bear on June 6. He will be talking about campfire safety. Come take pictures. The Mittelstadts (formerly known as the Gypsy Carpenters) will be performing on June 7. They will be making music and having dances. Officer Howdy will be here with other officers on June 13 to talk about a day in the life of an officer. Come dance with Pint Size Polka on June 14 at 4pm. The Southwest Women’s Fiber Arts Collective will be doing two workshops in June on the 20 and 27. On June 20, we will be making felt hand puppets and on June 27, we will be decorating bandanas. Tall Paul Magic will be here on June 21. Come watch some amazing magic. Andy Mason is back! On June 25 come listen to some awesome music and sing along. Come dance with Wild Irish Fiddle on June 28. Hear some traditional Irish music and dance along. This will happen at Gough Park. On July 6, the Silver City Museum will be putting on a puppet show. Come learn some beginning yoga with Hana Rose with the Lotus Center at Gough Park on July 11. Come learn some family friendly yoga. on July 18, we will be taking a virtual tour of some national parks right here at the library. Finally, Ann Lincoln is back! We will be having a foam party at Penny Park. Come pick up your prizes and play in the foam.
Keep an eye on the library Facebook page and library Instagram for activities to try! We will use the hashtag #silvercityreads !
We will be having Crafts every Tuesday, for ages 12 and under. Craft day types will start at 2pm. Crafts include a Adventure Packs, Glow-in-the-Dark Paint, roller coaster making, strawberry boba and more.
Come play video games with fire fighters. June 15, June 26, July 10, July 13, fire fighters will be here! Come have a chat and a friendly game. They are excited to meet you.
The Grant County Extension will be here again this year. We will be doing activities and crafts to help you learn about the area and daily life. Come join them June 3, June 17, July 1, and July 15 at 2pm.
We will also be having some of the same events we do year-round such as Robots and Squishy Circuits.

Movies at 2 pm: June 10 is Minions: Rise of Gru. June 24 is LEGO Batman. July 8 is Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
Baby Time: Tuesdays at 10 am
Summertime Story Time: Wednesdays at 10:00am at the Library

The library Summer Reading Program would not be possible without the support of the Friends of the Library, who provide funding for reading logs, incentives, equipment for activities, and everything else we need to make the program a success each year.
Use the hashtag #silvercityreads to share your summer adventures with us on Facebook or Instagram.
Adult Summer Program

Register any time! The deadline to submit entries is July 19.
Complete three squares of the board game path to enter weekly prize drawings, or submit a book review slip.
Downloadable game board with full instructions: AdultSRP2024GameBoard.pdf
Downloadable book review slips: AdultSRP2024RatingSlips.pdf
Enter grand prize drawings by submitting two game board sections, or two book review slips, or one of each!
The activities listed on this downloadable flyer are open to adults as well as kids: ActivitiesForAdults2024.pdf
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