Library Reopens June 16 at 25% Capacity

The Silver City Public Library will reopen at 25% capacity on Tuesday, June 16, 9:00am. We will allow 15 people in the building at a time. The limit on the number of people inside makes it necessary to have a time limit for each person so that all community members who need to use the library get a chance. Each person will be limited to 30 minutes in the building.

We ask for everyone’s patience and cooperation as we do our best to meet public health order requirements. Everyone visiting the library will be required to wear a mask.

Library staff members will give instructions on how to safely access library services, whether it is to find items to borrow, use the computers, print, or ask questions at the public service desks.

Services available and the instructions we give are subject to change when public health orders or other circumstances change.

The new library hours will be as follows:


Today and tomorrow, (June 10-11), curbside service appointments continue. Library staff members encourage those who are at higher risk to use the library’s online services. E-books and downloadable audiobooks are available through New Mexico Library To Go on Overdrive, accessible easily with the Libby or Overdrive apps. The apps or the New Mexico Library To Go website will ask for your library card number and password.

Tumblebooks, TeenBookCloud, RomanceBookCloud, and AudioBookCloud are still available for free via the library catalog.

El Portal, a free service of the New Mexico State Library, offers magazine and journal articles along with lots of other media content. Need to look at the repair manual for your car?  Check out the Chilton manuals. Trying to read a news story, but can’t access it without a subscription? Try Newsbank. El Portal also includes BrainFuse HelpNow , a comprehensive study resource for students of all ages and levels. High school equivalency test preparation and free online one-on-one tutoring are included. BrainFuse JobNow provides career resources, and resume and interview help.

The library Summer Reading Program is ongoing! Click here to visit the Summer Reading Program page, download a Bingo Card, and read about the upcoming activities. We will be posting online activities, and crafts and activities instructions throughout the summer on Facebook and Instagram.

Free wi-fi is available outside the library even when we are closed. We encourage users to practice safe social distancing. More wi-fi access points in the region are listed in this post.

We are looking forward to serving the community in all these ways, in person and online.