Caring For Your Health

If life disruptions caused by coronavirus are having an emotional toll on you or someone you love, you are not alone– many more people are dealing with feelings of sadness and anxiety right now. The NM Crisis and Access Line is available any time, free and confidential. 1-855-NMCRISIS (662-7474) Here is the crisis and access line page for coronavirus resources specifically.

At this time, it is more important that ever to have health insurance coverage. BeWellNM has resources for finding a plan here. You may be able to get Medicaid, insurance through the BeWellNM health insurance exchange, or the NM Medical Insurance Pool. The NM Office of the Superintendent of Insurance has a Health Coverage Connector tool to determine what health plans you can obtain.

During the public health crisis, many families have missed regular health check-ups and routine vaccinations. Health care providers have put in place measures to reduce virus contagion, and it is a good idea to keep up with preventative health care. The CDC has an informative guide for families about vaccines for children here.

brown glass bottle and several white pills on a green leaf
Image by mequable

There are thousands of health websites and articles accessible on the Internet, and it is difficult to know what sources are trustworthy. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health has a page here summarizing some reliable sources of health information. One excellent reliable website for all sorts of health questions is MedlinePlus. For information on herbs and dietary supplements, check out the Office of Dietary Supplements here. For information about all types of complementary health approaches like yoga and acupuncture, take a look at the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH). Esta página brinda enlaces a recursos del NCCIH en español sobre medicina complementaria e integral.