Basic Computer Classes

If you or someone you know needs help with using a computer our two computer classes may be for you. From the the very basics of operating a computer to opening an email account our classes can help you get familiar computer usage. You can sign up for one or both classes in person at the library or by phone at (575) 538-3672. Space is limited
Computer Basics
Wednesday, January 17, 3:00pm – 5:00pm
The class will guide students through the basics of operation and usage for Windows computers. We will be covering mouse and keyboard usage, program usage, file and folder structure, document creation and editing and other similar basic tasks that involve using computers.
Internet and Email Basics
Wednesday, January 31, 3:00pm – 5:00pm
This class will cover the basics of email and web browser usage. We will also offer some cyber safety tips as well.
Open Technology Lab

Wednesday, January 25, 3:00pm – 5:00pm
Back by popular demand, If you have tech related questions, or something’s not working right, drop in to our open technology lab. Knowledgeable staff and volunteers will be available to answer all types of technology questions. We can also get you started on free library digital services like e-books on Libby, streaming on Hoopla, Kanopy films, Flipster digital magazines, Rocket Languages, and the New York Times online. You’re invited to bring your device!