Book Talk: Deputy Death by Barty Bartlett

Presentation by Mar Bartlett

Friday, November 3 at 3:00 PM

The Silver City Public Library will host Mar Bartlett to speak about the memoir of her late husband Barty Bartlett. Deputy Death relates Bartlett’s experiences as a traffic accident investigator and long-time Sheriff’s Deputy in Maryland.

Deputy First Class Barty Bartlett was a truth teller, protector, skilled officer, devoted family man and a ghost whisperer. A veteran member of the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office, DFC Bartlett served in law enforcement for 25 years as part of their traffic unit. During that time, his focus was on accident investigations and reconstructions and he was later appointed Lead Collision Reconstructionist for his department. In his memoir Deputy Death, DFC Bartlett recounts tales from career looking for the truth behind traffic accidents hidden in the twisted remains. Some of his tales will catch you off guard, some will make you laugh, others will make your heart sink, but all of these stories tell the tale of how DFC Bartlett became Deputy Death.

Community members can attend the event in person or virtually via Zoom with the following registration link