January events

Come have fun at our second Game Day! Silver City Public Library welcomes you to our game day January 13th, 2022. We will have a large assortment of games from which you can pick and choose like Monopoly, Candy Land, Hedbanz and Battleship. We also strongly encourage people to bring their own games or Pokemon, Magic or Dominion cards. We will be meeting from 3-5 so stroll on in and maybe meet some new friends. We are hosting ages 2-19. Small prize raffle will happen for those teens and younger that participate.

Hawaii State Public Library System | Family Board Game Day
Matilda (1996 film) - Wikipedia

Come watch a movie with us. Winter is setting in but the stress of the holidays are over. Why not come see a movie about Roald Dahl’s believed gifted girl? Saturday January 15th at 12:00, we will be showing Matilda.

Want to use our hands? Create whole worlds from just a few blocks! Come have fun as a future engineer and play with LEGOS. Come find the joy of building on January 20th from 3-5.

Love building and video games? Come play Minecraft with us. Explore Realms and build fantastic environments. Have fun as a virtual engineer and adventure. Come play with us on January 27th from 3-5pm.

Minecraft - Apps on Google Play