Search our catalog for books, audiobooks, CDs, DVDs, and more:
Log in to My Account
You can reserve items, see what you have checked out, renew items, and edit your contact preferences when you log in to your account.
Did you know? There is a booklist in our catalog for local authors. Click here to see it! These books also have special stickers on their spines, even though they appear in all different parts of the library collection.
e-books and Downloadable Audiobooks

New Mexico Library To Go: Borrow e-books and downloadable audiobooks by signing in with your library card number and your phone number or password. (This is the same information that can be used to log into our library catalog.) Download the easy-to-use Libby app for your phone, tablet, or e-reader.

Overdrive e-books and downloadable audiobooks appear in our catalog labeled “internet” and “Overdrive.”
For guidance, visit Libby Help and the Help section of Overdrive.

Stream or download movies, TV, e-books, music, audio books, and comics with hoopla. Visit or download the hoopla app. Click Sign Up to create an account with your library card. See the Digital Services page for more details.
Visit the Flipster online magazine stand by clicking here, or download the Flipster app. The library’s subscription includes popular titles like The New Yorker, Rolling Stone, and National Geographic. See the Digital Services page for more details.
Interlibrary Loan
If we do not have an item at the Silver City Public Library, and it is not available at the WNMU Miller Library, we can request an interlibrary loan (ILL) from another library. Contact us or request the item online by logging into your account, clicking on “My Account,” selecting the “Reserves/Requests” tab, and clicking “request” near “Is the library missing something?” We will not charge a small postage fee as mentioned in the form. You may request up to two ILLs at a time, a total of six per fiscal year (July 1-June 30).
You may also wish to check the Bayard Public Library catalog for items not available in Silver City.
Accessible Books and Audiobooks

Library for the Blind and Print Disabled, a service of the New Mexico State Library. The LBPD is responsible for meeting the reading and information needs of nearly 3,000 New Mexico citizens who are blind, visually impaired, physically handicapped, or reading disabled. Go here to learn how to sign up for the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. Once you are signed up, you can borrow physical items and download items with the Braille and Audio Reading Download app.
Special Collections and Unusual Items
The library’s collections include published books and unpublished research materials about local history. Some of these items can be found in the Southwest Collection room. Due to rarity or fragility, some items must be retrieved by a library staff member. Ask at the information desk!

The library also lends several non-traditional items:
- Internet hotspots allow you to connect to the internet wirelessly. They emit a wifi signal that several devices can use to connect. Hotspots can be checked out for one week at a time. You may download and view the wi-fi hotspot agreement and guidelines here: HotspotAgreement (PDF, 276KB)
- FamilyPass allows up to six people free admission to 15 different New Mexico state museums and historic sites. FamilyPasses check out for three weeks at a time.
- The Southwest New Mexico Seed Library has a “branch” in our library building! Check out the box of neatly organized seeds near our information desk. This seed library is a project of the National Center for Frontier Communities, managed by volunteers:
- Energy Saving Kits from PNM include meters that residents can use to determine the amount of power each of their appliances uses.
Free, out-of-copyright media downloads
Project Gutenberg “Project Gutenberg offers over 40,000 free ebooks: choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online.”
International Children’s Digital Library Access to children’s e-books in dozens of different languages for free. “The ICDL Foundation’s goal is to build a collection of books that represents outstanding historical and contemporary books from throughout the world.”
HathiTrust Digital Library Online books and other reading material scanned by libraries around the world.
Internet Archive ebooks Over 3 million items, including Open Library ebooks
Finding good reads:
WorldCat Search this site to find books, videos, and many other items from libraries all over the world. For each item you can see which libraries nearby have it.
Accelerated Reader Book Finder This is an online tool to help you search for books at the accelerated reader level you need.
Kent District Library “What’s Next” Database of book series–figure out what order a series is in, and what series each author has written.
Stop, You’re Killing Me! Site for finding mystery, crime, thriller, spy, and suspense books. Listings by author, character, series. Over 4700 authors listed.
Mystery Readers International The largest mystery fan/reader organization in the world. Members choose the winners of the Macavity Award, and the organization publishes Mystery Readers Journal.
Fantastic Fiction Search books, authors, series, years, countries, awards…
Library of Congress Check their catalog to get good citations for millions of items, and explore their online exhibits and historical images.
YALSA’s Teen Book Finder “Find the best books and media for teens, as selected by library staff and educators across the United States!”
Whichbook Adjust the sliders to choose the preferred attributes for your next read. Happy or sad? Safe or disturbing? Conventional or unusual? You can also select character attributes, plot type, or location of the story. The tool will give you a list of books that might appeal to you.
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