MonÁxi Concert

Join us at the Silver City Public Library for an interactive concert with MonÁxi on Friday, January 3 at 4:00pm. MonÁxi’s concert will offer a unique experience that “will cleanse you and allow you to reset your vibration.”

MonÁxi’s name means “Daughter of the Earth” in the Kimbundo dialect from Angola, where her family comes from. Born and raised in Lisbon, Portugal, her music is like a tree, roots deeply grounded in her Angolan Motherland, with branches that stretch up from the Iberian Peninsula, North America and Brazil, intertwining and growing a most delicious musical fruit, full of unexpected flavors and bursting with rhythmic wisdom. For 20 years she has been inspiring audiences with her unique combination of soulful vocals and rhythms from the Djembé drum, composing and producing her own songs. She is a versatile multi-instrumentalist. Learn more about MonÁxi at and

This interactive concert promises to be a fascinating and enjoyable exploration of cultures and spiritual traditions through music. The concert is free thanks to the Friends of the Library!