The Silver City Public Library is hosting a Winter Poetry Challenge in partnership with the current poet laureate of Silver City and Grant County, Heather Frankland, in December 2024 and January 2025! The poet laureate program is housed within the Southwest Word Fiesta. Challenge bingo cards will be available at the library, and participants will enter prize drawings. There will be a Winter Poetry Panel Reading on Friday, December 6, 3:00pm with the poets Francesca Regina, Allison Waterman, Abigail Kipp, and Heather Frankland; and a Poetry Potluck and Group Exercise to end the Challenge on Friday, January 31, 3:00pm, led by Heather Frankland. Get ready! Bingo cards are available now.
This is the first time the library is trying a winter challenge, similar to the summer reading program for adults. Our thanks to Poet Laureate Heather Frankland for developing the idea.
The Winter Poetry Challenge is open to teens and adults.