We are excited to partner with the Southwest New Mexico Seed Library, for our April craft on Friday, the 28th from 3:30-4:30 in the afternoon. Children can paint a pot and plant seeds to take home with them thanks to the SWNM Seed Library. This activity is geared towards ages 6 to 12. All materials will be provided, so come enjoy an afternoon painting and planting with us! Together we’ll also learn a little more about the benefits of saving and using native seeds.
Itching to start planting your flowers and garden? At the library, we have a display from the SWNM Seed Library that houses additional seeds and information on care and growing techniques specific to our climate free of charge. We also house a great selection of books and materials on plants and gardening techniques for any age and reading level.
For more information on what we offer and additional programs, contact us by phone at (575) 538-3672, or stop by anytime during business hours.