This summer dig into science with some animal focused summer science opportunities for all ages. Using a variety of websites you have the opportunity to catalog, classify, and observe wildlife and then share your data with real-life scientists. From exploring local wilderness to identifying photos in the comfort of your own home there are a variety of modes and mediums and possibilities.

Use iNaturalist to record the scientific phenomena seen in your everyday life. With iNaturalist’s simple software simply record an observation and then have the opportunity to discuss with both professional and amateur scientists around the globe.

When it comes to birding eBird is the way to go. Not only can you share your sightings but you can also see the sightings and hot-spots of people in your area and around the world. Additionally eBird will keep track of your birding record (e.g. total species throughout time) and update you on local news in the birding community. Join eBird at any level of birding experience and access everything you need for this fun hobby.
Additionally websites like SciStarter compile hundreds of citizen science projects to choose from and allow you to track your contributions. Choose from any of the below projects and get points on the SciStarter websites.
The C-BARQ and more recently the Fe-BARQ (Canine/Feline Behavioral Assessment and Research Questionnaire) are easy to take surveys centered around your dog or cat’s personal behavior. In addition to providing specific information on the traits of you pet the data from the survey goes into a database compiling information from pet owners around the world.
Ever wanted to see evolution in action? SquirrelMapper gives you the chance to understand how the color of the squirrels in your own back yard display the years of evolution of the gray squirrel. Choose from three different way to help from contributing observations via iNaturalist to classifying pelt colors to identifying squirrels in habitat.
Questa Game is formatted both as a website and an on-the-go app and its main goal is to enhance and encourage appreciation of nature. With a worldwide leader-board system this game gives virtual “gold” for each image submission of real life biodiversity, with bonus points based on the rarity of the find.