The Silver City Public Library will introduce curbside pickup of library items starting Tuesday, May 26, 2020. While the library remains closed to the public for some time, the library staff have designed a system to allow people who currently have library cards to borrow items. The library cannot issue new library cards at this time.
The curbside service system is designed with the goal of reducing the risk of virus contagion. Checkout limits are reduced to 5 per person, 10 per household; and appointments are spaced out in intervals in order to make the service safer.
There are four steps: (1) Reserve items. Reserves can be placed by logging in to the library catalog at, by email, or by phone.
(2) Make an appointment. Call library staff to choose an appointment time during our pickup hours: 9:00am-11:00am and 3:30pm-5:30pm Tuesday-Thursday. Appointment times are limited and are given on a first-come first-served basis. Please keep your appointment and pick up on time.
(3) Pickup. Library staff will have the reserves waiting at a clearly designated pick-up spot at the appointment time. Just drop by and pick them up. If you miss your appointment time, the books will be held for 3 days; call back to reschedule.

(4) Return. Return books to the silver return bin outside the front doors of the library.
Curbside service availability is subject to change if there are changes in public health orders.
We expect to temporarily suspend curbside service for a few days while the library doors are being replaced; the construction will interfere with the service. Keep an eye on our website for updates.
While demand for our e-books and other digital resources has increased, we hope that the curbside service will give the community access to the library’s physical collection in a way that mitigates risk.
For more information, contact the library at 575-538-3672 or