Beginning in September, Nancy Stephens from the Imagination Library has taken over our Babytime on Wednesdays at 1:00 pm. Nancy has been with the Grant County Imagination Library for 3 ½ years. The Grant County Imagination library sends out 1,250 books a month to Grant County kids, and just recently they celebrated sending out their 100,000th book. 80% of the eligible children in Grant County receive books from the Imagination Library. During Babytime, Nancy leads young children and their parents in stories, songs, and rhymes. Afterwards, babies and their parents have time to socialize. We are pleased to partner with the Imagination Library; thanks to Nancy for sharing her time and expertise! The Silver City Public Library is grateful for all our dedicated volunteers, including Jesse Logan-Samuels, who led Babytime from October 2016 through the summer of 2018, and all the skilled storytellers who help to lead storytimes on Wednesdays at 10:30. Thank you!